Yvette Woven Dress


Before you start sewing you might want to rummage through that fabric stash and plan your colour/print layout for the different panels of the Yvette Woven Dress, click the link below to download the Yvette Woven Dress Colour It Your Way PDF and have some fun!

✏️ Colour It Your Way PDF Download  ✏️



From the wrong side sew the bodice bust darts and press downward.


With right sides facing sew panels 6 & 7 together (mid right front skirt & lower right front skirt) matching the notches. Neaten with an overlocker/serger and press up.


With right sides facing sew panels 6 & 7 to panel 8 (left front skirt) matching notches. Neaten with an overlocker/serger and press to the wearers left.


With right sides facing sew the bodice to the made-up front skirt. Sew from the left side seam, when arriving at the waist “V” clip into the seam of the bodice and with the needle down, turn and continue sewing to the right side seam.


Sew one set of the pockets to the front side seam as marked on the pattern, clip the notches and under-stitch close to the seam on the side of the pocket bag.

Sew the second set of pockets to the pockets that are sewn to the front side seam, stitch the two pocket bags together creating a pocket, the straight edge of the under pocket is left free to sew to the back-body’s side seam when arriving at step 17.



Neaten each centre back edge of the back bodice pieces with an overlocker/serger. With right sides facing sew the centre back seam of the bodices together, start at the notch that indicates the base of the split opening and stitch down to the waist, press the seam open (please note our sample’s centre back seam is not pressed open).


With right sides facing sew panels 3 & 4 together (mid back skirt & lower back skirt) matching the notches. Neaten with an overlocker/serger and press seam up.


With right sides facing sew the back bodice to the to the made-up skirt. Neaten with an overlocker/serger and press seam up.



Neaten shoulder seam edges with an overlocker/serger. With right sides together sew the front and back bodice shoulder seams together and press open or to the back.


With right sides together sew the front and back shoulder seams of the neck facings together followed by sewing the base of the back neck facing up to the notch indicating the split and press the seam open. Neaten the outer edge of the facing with an overlocker/serger.

With right sides together pin the neck facing to the neck of the body, once in place stitch on, turn to the right side and understitch close to the seam on the side of the facing.


From the wrong side sew the small rouleau loop, turn to the right side and stitch into the left back as noted in the pattern; the loop will face inward until turned out with the facing.


From the inside sew the back split bodice opening to the back split facing. Sew from the neckline down to the base of the opening and repeat to the opposite side. Turn to the right side and understitch close to the seam on the side of the facing. Sew small stitch to the shoulder seams of the outer edges of the neck facings to the shoulder seams of the body, this keeps the facing from rolling out.



Fold the length of the binding in half with right sides out and sew a stay stitch along the raw edges to hold in place.


With right sides facing sew the arm bind to the armhole, understitch close to the seam on the side of the bind.



With right sides facing sew the front and back side seams together, start at the underarm securing the arm bind to the inside, stitch through the back pocket making sure not to catch the front pocket as you sew finishing at the hemline.


Turn armhole binding to the inside of the bodice and pin in place, then stitch down with a 6mm (¼”) top stitch.


Turn up the hem and sew it with a machine stitch.

Sew the button to the right neck to line up with the loop.



With right sides facing sew the inverted pleat as marked on the pattern, press it open and sew a stay stitch across the base to hold in place.

Sew the two short ends of the cuff together, press the seam open and fold in half with the right side on the outer.

Sew the inner cuff seam to the base of the sleeve and neaten with an overlocker/serger.

Sew 2 rows of a large stitch to the head of the sleeve and slightly draw in.

Sew the sleeve into the armhole once the side seams are sewn as in no. 17.

Neaten with an overlocker/serger.

Press your new dress.